Unleash your wild, free,

expansive self and embody

your inner wild woman.

August Virtual Circle

Do you want your life to feel expansive and limitless?

 Do you long to connect back to your truth, your magic, and your intuition?

 How would it feel to be wild, free, and unleashed?

In this month’s circle, we’re connecting to our wild woman and unleashing our voices, our truth, our creativity, our hearts, and our bodies.

We’re exploring where we may be holding back and not unleashing parts of ourselves out of fear of judgment. Where do we feel we “should” be doing things in our life because that’s what society and others expect of us?


We’re connecting to the times we have felt wild, carefree and liberated and bringing that into our circle space together. What might be possible if there were no limits? How do you reclaim your body so you can reawaken your animal instinct and reconnect with your intuition?


It’s time to stop being “good girls” and people pleasers, to release any shame you’re carrying about being a woman and step fully into your womanhood. There isn’t a more potent place to do this than in circle, with other women, coming together to celebrate the divine feminine and sisterhood.


All of this is possible in circle when we step into our sovereignty, and be brave, vulnerable and open hearted with each other.


Come to circle and experience: 

* MEDITATION to ground into the space and be utterly present.

 * INTIMATE SHARING to connect with each other and share your heart.

 * VISUALIZATION to integrate the theme and explore what it means to you.

 * MOVEMENT to feel, move, and release any emotions that feel alive for you.

* RITUAL to guide in the light and truly embody our theme.

It is in sisterhood that we reclaim our voice, our truth, our freedom, our wild side. It is in sisterhood that we integrate all parts of ourselves to be whole, complete women.

  • "Wow... Just Wow, Jenn! That was just perfect! Feeling ready to take on not just the day but my life! Deep gratitude to you, dear sister!"

  • You have such a gift for holding a safe space for women to step into their power!

  • This women's circle was truly life changing and I have formed a bone with the most amazing women. It will be the best thing you can do for yourself and your heart.

Together in sisterhood, we are stronger.

Together we will change the world. 

Space is limited so save your seat in circle for this transformational experience that will uplift, inspire and empower you.